What is Family Mediation?
Family Mediation is a problem-solving process designed to help separating / divorcing couples reach their own mutually acceptable agreements regarding the ongoing arrangements for their children and/or the resolution of financial matters. It is a process in which a trained, impartial third person, the mediator, can assist both parties to communicate and negotiate issues in dispute in a confidential setting.
How Does Mediation Work?
After each party has had an initial individual interview, the couple meets together with one or two mediators for several sessions. All sessions are confidential and not legally binding.
The mediator will help the couple to identify and clarify their needs, concerns and issues. The mediator will also help couples expand their options in order to achieve a mutually acceptable agreement.
Each party is recommended to seek independent legal and/or financial advice throughout the mediation process. At the conclusion of mediation, a written agreement is prepared setting out all decisions and agreements made by the couple.
Mediators do not make decisions for couples, nor do they provide legal or counselling services. |